药理作用(pharmacological action)、纳洛酮(naloxone)、危害性(harmfulness)、海洛因依赖者(heroin addicts)、海洛因成瘾(heroin addiction)、成瘾者(addict)、《血证论》、成瘾性(addiction)、定向力障碍(disorientation)、柯萨科夫综合征(korsakoff ' s syndrome)
[单选题]关于柯萨科夫综合征(korsakoff s syndrome),不正确的是
A. 近记忆障碍
B. 明显的意识障碍
C. 错构
D. 顺行性遗忘
E. 与B族维生素缺乏有关
A. 可乐定
B. 纳洛酮
C. 美沙酮
D. 纳曲酮
E. 吗啡
[单选题]A 55-year-old man come to see the doctor with a chief complaint of insomnia two days, he has drunk alcoholic beverage about 30 years. He has tried to quit drinking several times, but he has been un-able to stop.Twodays ago,he tried to stop drinking once again.He states that he goes to sleep difficult-1y, feels nausea and anxiety.For this patient,which of the following treatment is best
A. antipsychotic
B. antidepressant drug
C. benzodiazepine
D. anticholinergic agents
E. clinical observation
[单选题]《血证论》指出,为水之上源的是( )
A. 心
B. 脾
C. 肺
D. 肾
E. 肝
[单选题]肾气丸的主治是( )
A. 肾阴不足
B. 肾阳不足
C. 脾阳不足
D. 肝阴不足
E. 肝阳亢盛