教学质量(teaching quality)、行政责任(administrative responsibility)、行政处罚(administrative punishment)、教育教学工作(education teaching work)、情节严重(gravity of the circumstances)、前提条件(precondition)、行政人员(administrative staff)、行政处分(administrative sanction)、责令赔偿损失(order to make compensation forlosses)、《中华人民共和国教师法》
[单选题]赵某违反学校管理制度,被校长在全校教师会议上点名批评,赵某听说后,不辨是非,将校长打成重伤,依法对赵某追究( )。
A. 违宪责任
B. 行政责任
C. 刑事责任
D. 一般责任
[单选题]评价教育实施结果的依据是( )。
A. 教育规律
B. 教育任务
C. 教育目的
D. 教育原则
[单选题]教师组织学生到工厂或农村进行实地参观访问属于( )。
A. 模象直观
B. 实物直观
C. 言语直观
D. 感知直观
[多选题]在韦纳的归因理论中,以下哪些因素属于外在的结果归因?( )
A. 能力高低
B. 任务难度
C. 运气好坏
D. 身心状态
[单选题]Which inference in the bracket of the following sentences is presupposition?
A. Ede caught a trout (Ede caught a fish)
B. Don't sit on Carol's bed (Carol has a bed)
C. The limp is over the house (the house is under the limp)
D. Coffee would keep me awake all night(I don't want coffee)