社会保障(social security)、救护车(ambulance)、回转式(rotary)、申请单(application form)、警报器(siren)、有关规定(related regulations)、社保卡(social security card)
A. A、连续调频调
B. B、单音断鸣调
C. C、慢速双音转换调
D. D、紧急调频调
[多选题]Which two statements are true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)?()
A. The ADR base keeps all diagnostic information in binary format
B. SQL*Plus provides the ADRI script, which can be used to work with ADR
C. The ADR can be used for problem diagnosis only when the database is open
D. The ADR can be disabled by settting the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter to null
E. The ADR can be used for problem diagnosis even when the database instance is down
F. The ADR base is shared across multiple instance
[多选题]应怎样办理换领社保卡(social security card)()
A. 填写《社会保障卡补换卡申请单》
B. 交验原有的社会保障卡
C. 按照有关规定(related regulations)交纳工本费
D. 变更卡面登记项目内容,应当提供人力资源社会保障部门的批准文件和其他相关法律证明