

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-04-07     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]The representation of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.

A. implementation
B. manifestation
C. demonstration
D. expedition

2. [单选题]

回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives.

A. get up
B. get on
C. get out
D. get over

3. [单选题]According to the third paragraph,what will happen when the underground heat does not dis—appear?

根据以下资料,回答下面的题目。 According to the first paragraph,one or the warnings given by the scientists is that   

A. Coal heats up on its Own and catches fire and burns.   
B. The underground oxygen will be used up.
C. Poisonous fumes and greenhouse gases wm be accumulated anderground.   
D. There will be an increase of abandoned mines.

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