

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-05-22     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]Since rail network is not as extensive as highway network in most countries and its limitation to fixed track facilities, as a result, railroads provide () service.

A. Door to door
B. Door to cy
C. Door to cfs
D. Terminal to terminal

2. [单选题]What is the meaning of trend?()

A. General direction
B. Developing road
C. Way
D. Path

3. [单选题]How many tons does the cargo 737 carry? ()

A. 100 tons
B. Not clear
C. more than 100 tons
D. I don’t know

4. [单选题]Third part Logistics provides () the logistics services.

A. Single
B. Some
C. Simple
D. All

5. [单选题]If you make different trade in different countries, you must take different transport modes? ()

A. Yes
B. Not
C. It must be based on cost
D. Not mention in the paragraph

6. [单选题]For small and medium sized companies, the logistics management is still ().

A. decentralized
B. centralized
C. integrated
D. concentrated

7. [单选题]How many categories are there inwater transport?()

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. Not available in the paragraph

8. [单选题]How many product-related factors are there to influence the transport cost?()

A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. Five

9. [单选题]()is the operation to check the quantity, quality and package of the goods according to the contract and the specific standard.

A. Inspection
B. Examination
C. Control
D. Test

10. [单选题]The retailer and manufacturer() about 5-10% of their merchandise being returned.

A. forecast
B. anticipate
C. participate
D. record

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