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  • 【名词&注释】

    含水量(water content)、导电性(conductivity)、表现形式(manifestation)、意志坚强(tough mindedness)、主色调(dominant color)、准确性原则(accuracy principle)

  • [单选题]京剧脸谱是一种内涵丰富的艺术表现形式,每个脸谱都有一种主色调(dominant color)以显示剧中人物的特征,如关羽脸谱的主色是红色的,曹操的是白色的,包拯的是黑色的……你认为"白脸"表示( )。

  • A. 忠勇正义
    B. 奸诈狡猾
    C. 凶猛残暴
    D. 刚直果敢

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  • [单选题]What's the primary principle in teaching pronunciation?
  • A. Accuracy.
    B. Long-term development.
    C. Comprehensiveness.
    D. Pertinence.

  • [单选题] Since ancient times, the destructive effects of earthquakes on humanlives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction. This challenge remains and modern scientists continue to search for reliable methods to determine the time, place and intensity of individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence rates of earthquakes as indicators of future activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth's plates and it is in these areas that scientists focus their investigations. This search for pre-earthquake phenomena has received particular attention. In contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who relied on the crying of dogs as a warning sign, modem scientists have focused on physical evidence for a coming earthquake. Evidence of plate strain can be found by measuring relative movements, while chemical changes also offer signals for scientists. Analysis of the changes in magnetic properties and conductivity of rocks provides further data for prediction. The electrical and magnetic properties of crustal rocks are particularly sensitive to strain. The conductivity of crustal rock is determined by the degree to which the rock is soaked with fluid and the electrolytic properties of those fluids. Before large earthquakes, small fractures develop in rocks, which change the quantity of fluid present. These changes can be measured and provide useful data. However, similar changes in the fluid, bearing capacity of rock can occur as a result of other factors such as changes in the water table, and therefore this technique is not entirely reliable. The ancient believe that the behavior of birds, cats and dogs provides evidence of inevitable earthquakes has recently been attended as a result of tests carried out in California. It has been shown that changes taking place in the metabolic rates of these animals correlate with subsequent seismic activity. It is assumed that the animals are sensitive to the seismic waves which precede major quakes. In zones where earthquakes are known to occur, improved construction techniques can significantly reduce the effects of seismic waves. If more accurate information regarding the time and intensity were available, govemments could take even more effective measures to reduce the impact on human life, if, however, an entirely accurate prediction technique became available, there would be significant social and political implications.
  • A disadvantage of fluid measuring is that ________.

  • A. changes in quantity of fluid in rocks can be caused by other factors other than strain
    B. present scientific instruments are not able to provide precise measurement
    C. the electrical properties of the rock itself also change the fluid capacity of rocks
    D. fractures in these rocks are often so serious that accurate measurement is impossible

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