
Same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods

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  • [单选题]Same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the ().

  • A. Inventory
    B. Store
    C. Stock
    D. Storage of logistics

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]()are respectively the dominant transport mode in China and in the United States.
  • A. Rail and motor
    B. Motor and rail
    C. Rail and rail
    D. Water and rail

  • [单选题]()is one of functions in logistics, which can deliver goods to customer directly by order in the most economic way.
  • A. Transportation
    B. Distribution
    C. Sending goods
    D. Carrying goods

  • [单选题]()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product or service.
  • A. Contract
    B. Business agreement
    C. Supply Chain
    D. Network

  • [单选题]Air cargo is ()
  • A. air transport
    B. air freight
    C. air delivery
    D. plane

  • [单选题]()is not a physical wall, but a lot of virtual data to protect the computer network.
  • A. Data wall
    B. Data Channel
    C. Data base
    D. firewall

  • [单选题]If the goods is damaged or lost in the process of logistics, the shipper can()to the carrier.
  • A. claim
    B. ask for pay
    C. sue
    D. fight

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/7v5vk.html
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