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    柴油机(diesel engine)、工作时间(working time)、填料函(stuffing box)、尼龙绳(nylon)、轴系理论中心线、舵系中心线、不允许(not allow)

  • [单选题]水润滑艉轴承填料函中的填料为()。

  • A. 棉、麻绳
    B. 尼龙绳
    C. 浸油布条
    D. 浸油脂棉、麻绳或尼龙绳

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  • [单选题]某设备的λ=0.0001,工作时间为50O0h,则R(5000)为()。
  • A. 0.99
    B. 0.0948
    C. 0.6065
    D. 0.3679

  • [单选题]不允许(not allow)柴油机排气恶化,防止锅炉烟垢沉积,其措施是()。
  • A. 保持柴油机良好的燃烧和排气,减少排气颗粒排放率
    B. 在柴油机负荷低时,旁通全部废气,防止锅炉烟垢沉积
    C. A十B
    D. 在柴油机负荷高时,废气部分旁通,减少锅炉烟垢沉积

  • [单选题]新造船舶的舵系中心线与轴系理论中心线通常是这样确定的:()。
  • A. 先确定轴系理论中心线,后确定舵系中心线
    B. 先确定舵系中心线,后确定轴系理论中心线
    C. 在船体建造时确定轴系理论中心线和舵系中心线
    D. 无一定要求

  • [单选题]Which of the following conditions could cause the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler to lose suction?()
  • A. Increased suction head pressure
    B. Decreased feedwater temperature
    C. Pump recirculating line being open too much
    D. Excessive feedwater temperature

  • [单选题]Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake manifold of a four-stroke/cycle turbo-charged diesel engine?()
  • A. Clogged air intake falters
    B. Piston blow-by
    C. A defective after-cooler
    D. Faulty exhaust valve

  • [单选题]A restricted air intake to a diesel engine may result in the engine ().
  • A. failing to reach rated speed
    B. knocking under maximum load
    C. hunting or surging under light load
    D. overspeeding and running away

  • [单选题]Before starting any diesel or gasoline engine,which of the following must be checked? ()
  • A. Oil level
    B. Flow of cooling water
    C. Exhaust discharge
    D. All of the above

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/7rj37r.html
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