柴油机(diesel engine)、工作时间(working time)、填料函(stuffing box)、尼龙绳(nylon)、轴系理论中心线、舵系中心线、不允许(not allow)
A. 棉、麻绳
B. 尼龙绳
C. 浸油布条
D. 浸油脂棉、麻绳或尼龙绳
A. 0.99
B. 0.0948
C. 0.6065
D. 0.3679
[单选题]不允许(not allow)柴油机排气恶化,防止锅炉烟垢沉积,其措施是()。
A. 保持柴油机良好的燃烧和排气,减少排气颗粒排放率
B. 在柴油机负荷低时,旁通全部废气,防止锅炉烟垢沉积
C. A十B
D. 在柴油机负荷高时,废气部分旁通,减少锅炉烟垢沉积
A. 先确定轴系理论中心线,后确定舵系中心线
B. 先确定舵系中心线,后确定轴系理论中心线
C. 在船体建造时确定轴系理论中心线和舵系中心线
D. 无一定要求
[单选题]Which of the following conditions could cause the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler to lose suction?()
A. Increased suction head pressure
B. Decreased feedwater temperature
C. Pump recirculating line being open too much
D. Excessive feedwater temperature
[单选题]Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake manifold of a four-stroke/cycle turbo-charged diesel engine?()
A. Clogged air intake falters
B. Piston blow-by
C. A defective after-cooler
D. Faulty exhaust valve
[单选题]A restricted air intake to a diesel engine may result in the engine ().
A. failing to reach rated speed
B. knocking under maximum load
C. hunting or surging under light load
D. overspeeding and running away
[单选题]Before starting any diesel or gasoline engine,which of the following must be checked? ()
A. Oil level
B. Flow of cooling water
C. Exhaust discharge
D. All of the above