欧阳修、面神经、党的十六大(the 16 th party congress)、滑车神经(trochlear nerve)、构建社会主义和谐社会(constructing socialist harmonious socie
...)、传递信息(transfer information)、括约肌(sphincter)、五中全会(the sixth plenary session)、四中全会(the fourth plenum)、环行纤维(circular fibers)
A. 欧阳修
B. 苏轼
C. 韩愈
D. 王安石
[单选题]“构建社会主义和谐社会”这一科学概念的正式提出是在( )
A. 2002年党的十六大
B. 2003年党的十六届三中全会
C. 2004年党的十六届四中全会(the fourth plenum)
D. 2005年党的十六届五中全会(the sixth plenary session)
[单选题]I _______ here two years ago.
A. moved to
B. have moved
C. have moved to
D. moved
[单选题]My sister has__________friends at school.But she has__________good friends.
A. few,a few
B. a few,few
C. little,a little
D. a little,little
[单选题]根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。 Despite the fact that today viruses(病毒)are known to cause cancer in animals and incertain plants,there exists a great reluctance to accept viruses as being of importance in humancancer.Basic biological phenomena generally do not differ strikingly as one goes from one spe—cies to another.It should be recognized that cancer is a biological problem and not a problemthat is unique for man.Cancer originates when a normal cell suddenly becomes a cancer cellwhich multiplies widely and without apparent restraint.Cancer may originate in many differentkinds of cell,but the cancer cell usually continues to carry certain traits(特性)of the cell of origin.The transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell may have more than one kind of cause.but there is good reason to consider the relationships that exist between viruses and cancer. Since there is no evidence that human cancer,as generally experienced,is infections,manypersons believe that because viruses are infections agents they cannot possibly be of importancein human cancer.However,viruses can mutate(突变)and examples are known in which a vi.rus that never kills its host can mutate to form a new strain of virus that always kills its host.Itdoes not seem unreasonable to assume that an innocuous(无害的)latent(潜伏的)virus mightmutate to form a strain that causes cancer.Certainly the experimental evidence now available isconsistent with the idea that viruses as we know them today,could be the causative(引起……的)agents of most,if not all cancer。including cancer in mall.{TS}Cancer should be considered to be a biological problem rather than a medical one because_________.
A. viruses are known to cause cancer in animals
B. at present,human cancer is not believed to be contagious(传染的)
C. there are many known causes for the transformation of a normal cell to a cancer cell
D. results of experiments on plants and animals do not vary greatly from species to species
[单选题]下列函数中,在x=0处不可导的是( )
[单选题]近点距离主要决定于 ( )
A. 睫状肌中环行纤维(circular fibers)的收缩能力
B. 瞳孔括约肌(sphincter)的收缩能力
C. 角膜的曲率半径
D. 眼球前后径的距离
E. 以上都不是
[多选题]参于脑干组成的有 ( )
A. 小脑
B. 问脑
C. 中脑
D. 脑桥
E. 延髓
[单选题]有关突触的叙述,错误的是( )
A. 神经元问相连接的部位
B. 实现神经元间的信息传递
C. 突触前膜释放递质传递信息
D. 按结构分轴一舶、轴一树、轴一体突触
E. 按功能分兴奋性、抑制性突触
[单选题]支配上斜肌的神经是 ( )
A. 动眼神经
B. 滑车神经
C. 展神经
D. 面神经
E. 眼神经