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    柴油机(diesel engine)、说明书(specification)、具体情况(concrete conditions)

  • [单选题]测量曲轴臂距差后,应对所测数据依据()进行分析和判断。

  • A. 柴油机说明书
    B. 具体情况
    C. 有关标准
    D. 柴油机说明书和有关标准

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]换新主机的连杆大端轴瓦时,其上瓦与曲柄销颈在()内的接触面积不少于()。
  • A. 40°~60°/75%
    B. 40°~60°/85%
    C. 60°~90°/75%
    D. 60°~90°/85%

  • [单选题]() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.
  • A. Both;and
    B. Neither;nor
    C. Either;or
    D. Both;or

  • [单选题]The external circumference of a pair of main bearing shells is slightly () that of the bore of the housing which receives them Whats the meaning of “that” in the sentence above?
  • A. less than
    B. lighter than
    C. larger than
    D. smaller tha

  • [单选题]Exhaust valve grooving and corrosion is caused by certain components of residual fuel oilThese components are sodium, sulfur, and ().
  • A. vanadium
    B. carbon
    C. copper
    D. ash

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/7oy9dp.html
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