
Because the castings of smaller engines are not so big and h

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    固有频率(natural frequency)、螺旋桨鸣音、实质上(in essence)

  • [单选题]Because the castings of smaller engines are not so big and heavy, () and cylinder block may be made in one piece.

  • A. the column
    B. the jacket
    C. cylinder cover
    D. cylinder liner

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  • [单选题]关于螺旋桨鸣音,下列不正确的说法是()。
  • A. 在螺旋桨工作时发出的“嗡嗡”的响声
    B. 导边涡流激振力引起的桨叶振动
    C. 实质上是共振
    D. 随边0.4R以外部位的涡流引起的振动频率与桨叶固有频率接近所致

  • [单选题]During repair,lubrication lines and orifices must be ().
  • A. taken away
    B. engaged
    C. connected
    D. sealed off

  • [单选题]The rising of the exhaust temperature in manifold pipe may NOT result from ().
  • A. too great a loading
    B. fouled turbocharger
    C. bad combustion
    D. excessive air

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/734889.html
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