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    内部控制系统(internal control system)、客观事实(objective fact)

  • [填空题]花瓣彼此分离的花,称()花、花瓣彼此连合的花称()花。

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]内部控制系统的中风险水平,是指审计结论偏离客观事实的可能在()。
  • A. 10%~20%
    B. 10%~40%
    C. 20%~40%
    D. 40%~60%

  • [单选题]When comparing different fuels for different engines, the ignition quality of diesel fuel oils becomes a less critical consideration as ()
  • A. the amount of lube oil additives increase
    B. piston speeds increase
    C. injection pressure decrease
    D. engine speeds decrease

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/70vl9p.html
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