

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-04-08     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]某轮到港时排水量Δ=15000t,dM=8.15m,TPC=25t/cm。现在港卸货1000t后又加载500t,之后由标准海水区域进入水密度为1.006g/cm3的区域,其吃水为()m。

A. A.7.66
B. B.7.86
C. C.8.06
D. D.8.26

2. [单选题]船舶由水密度ρ=1.010g/cm3的水域驶入标准海水水域,吃水约减小()。

A. A.1.5%
B. B.3.0%
C. C.4.5%
D. D.6.0%

3. [单选题]A load line is assigned to a ship to insure adequate stability and().

A. mooring tension
B. riser tension
C. lifesaving equipment
D. structural strength

4. [单选题]Aboard a vessel,dividing the sum of the longitudinal moments by the total weight yields the vessel’s().

A. inclining moments
B. righting moments
C. vertical moments
D. longitudinal position of the center of gravity

5. [单选题]The upward pressure of displaced water is called().

A. buoyancy
B. deadweight
C. draft
D. freeboard

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