
()is the environmental process to collect sort transport b

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  • 【名词&注释】

    供应链(supply chain)、供应商(supplier)

  • [单选题]()is the environmental process to collect sort transport bury or incinerate(烧弃)waste goods.

  • A. Environmental logistics
    B. Waste material logistics
    C. Returned logistics
    D. Recycle

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]()are respectively the dominant transport mode in China and in the United States.
  • A. Rail and motor
    B. Motor and rail
    C. Rail and rail
    D. Water and rail

  • [单选题]()is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically.
  • A. Point to point truck
    B. City to city truck
    C. Domestic intercity trucking
    D. Domestic transportation

  • [单选题]The Bill of lading signed by the shipping company is()
  • A. S-B/L (Sea-B/L)
    B. V-B/L (Vessel-B/L)
    C. Seaway Bill
    D. Ocean-B/L

  • [单选题]()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product and service.
  • A. contract
    B. Business agreement
    C. supply chain
    D. network

  • [单选题]连续库存补充计划的英文缩写是()。
  • A. CRP
    B. ERP
    C. BPR
    D. MRP

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/70k5d7.html
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