《朝花夕拾》、二十四孝图、《从百草园到三味书屋》、迎神赛会(idolatrous pro cession)、淋漓尽致(incisively and vividly)、抒情散文(lyric prose)
[单选题]《朝花夕拾》中,鲁迅借众鬼嘲弄人生,用阴间讽刺阳世,对“正人君子们”进行了淋漓尽致(incisively and vividly)的嘲弄和鞭挞是哪篇文章?()
A. 《琐记》
B. 《无常》
C. 《二十四孝图》
D. 《狗猫鼠》
A. 《论语》
B. 《鉴略》
C. 《诗经》
D. 《周易》
A. 《周易》
B. 《尚书》
C. 《论语》
D. 《幼学琼林》
A. 叙事散文
B. 议论散文
C. 抒情散文(lyric prose)
D. 杂文
[单选题]A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should().
A. lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
B. administer a liquid stimulant
C. lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
D. attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousne