
Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of

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    缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia)、血常规(blood routine)、铁观音

  • [单选题]Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint (1).For the bus, all stations attach, through appropriate hardware (2) known as a tap, directly to a linear transmission medium, or bus. Full-duplex operation between the station and the tap allows data to be transmitted onto the bus and received from the(3). A transmission from any station propagates the length of the medium in both directions and can be received by all other (4). At each end of the bus is a (5) , which absorbs any signal, removing it from the bus.

  • A. C

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  • [单选题]一级铁观音的品质又分为()。
  • A. 71-80
    B. 81-90
    C. 91-100
    D. 101以上

  • [单选题]男,4岁。长期偏食。近一个月面色渐苍白,自诉全身无力。查体:肝肋下4cm,脾肋下1cm。血常规:Hb70g/L,RBC3.0×1012/L,Ret2.0%,WBC、PLT均正常,MCV74fl,MCH26pg,MCHC30%。考虑为缺铁性贫血。
  • A. D

  • [单选题]湿温病湿热酿痰,蒙闭心包,治当().
  • A. 清热化湿,豁痰开蔽
    B. 芳香化浊,清心开窍
    C. 轻清芳化,涤除湿邪
    D. 清化湿热,解毒利咽

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