
Due to () action of pistons some relative motion between p

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    过热器(superheater)、蒸发器(evaporator)、给水预热器(feed unit water preheater)

  • [单选题]Due to () action of pistons some relative motion between parts in contact in the coolant supply and return system must occur.

  • A. reciprocating
    B. rotating
    C. running
    D. removing

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  • [单选题]MAN-B&W公司推出的带汽轮发电机的废气锅炉系统,主要特点是它带有给水预热器、蒸发器和过热器的单压蒸汽系统;产生的蒸汽除用于加热外还可用于驱动汽轮发电机;废气锅炉与燃油辅助锅炉之间有循环水泵并共用汽鼓。对其评价可选为()。
  • A. 该废气锅炉系统布置合理,但满足汽轮发电机所需蒸汽量时,不能满足加热之需
    B. 排气余热利用较完善,能满足汽轮发电机和加热系统所需蒸汽量
    C. 该废气锅炉系统更先进,不仅满足加热系统的要求,还部分满足汽轮发电机之需
    D. 该废气锅炉系统适宜于各类功率大小的船舶

  • [单选题]In diesel engines, the four basic events (intake, compression, power and exhaust) are performed once in ().
  • A. two crankshaft revolutions in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    B. two power strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    C. one power stroke in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    D. two piston strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine

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