
An electrically driven automatically operating auxiliary blo

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    柴油机(diesel engine)、燃烧室(combustion chamber)、气缸套(cylinder liner)、表面积(surface area)、堆积物(accum)

  • [单选题]An electrically driven automatically operating auxiliary blower is provided for slow speed and () of a low speed diesel engine.

  • A. manoeuvring operations
    B. bad combustion
    C. cooling
    D. mooring trial

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  • [单选题]船上吊缸检修一般不必()。
  • A. 用通针疏通针阀体和喷孔
    B. 清除燃烧室零件表面积炭
    C. 拉出气缸套进行磁粉探伤
    D. 清除气口堆积物(accum)

  • [单选题]柴油机各道主轴承下瓦磨损不同,使曲轴轴线状态产生()变形,臂距差的大小和方向产生()变化。
  • A. A.塌腰形/正值增大
    B. B.拱腰形/负值增大
    C. C.弯曲/不定
    D. D.一定/一定

  • [单选题]The rate of cylinder lubricating oil metered to each cylinder of a large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine is ()
  • A. the same, whether at sea, or during maneuvering
    B. adjusted during each hour of operation while at constant RPM
    C. higher at sea than while maneuvering
    D. lower at sea than while maneuvering

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/6ng9p3.html
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