1. [单选题]
根据材料回答下面的题目:{Page}Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)is inter-autonomous system ___(71 )__protocol. BGP is based on a routing method called path vector routing. Distance vector routing is not a good candidate for inter-autonomous system routing because there are occasions on which the route .with the smallest__(72)__count is not the preferred route. For example, we may not want a packet through an autonomous system that is not secure even though it is shortest route. Also, distance vector routing is unstable due to the fact that the routers announce only the number of hop counts to the destination without defining the path that leads to that____(73)___. A router that receives a distance vector advertisement packet may be fooled if the shortest path is actually calculated through the receiving router itself. Link____(74)__routing is also not a good candidate for inner-autonomous system routing because an internet is usually too big for this routing method. To use link state routing for the whole internet would require each router to have a huge link state database. It would also take a long time for each router to calculate its routing____(75)____using the Dijkstra algorithm.{Page}A.routingB.switchingC.transmittingD.receiving
A. connection
B. window
C. source
D. destination
2. [多选题]下列关于股东大会的说法正确的是()。
A. 股东可以委托代理人出席股东大会
B. 股东大会作出的决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权过半数通过
C. 股东大会选举董事、监事实行累积投票制
D. 公司转让、受让重大资产等事项必须经由股东大会作出决议
E. 股东大会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录(minute)
3. [单选题]关于氢/碳原子比的叙述中不对的是()。
A. A、链烷烃高于芳烃;
B. B、轻馏分的氢碳比高于重馏分;
C. C、烃类进行加氢反应时氢碳比提高;
D. D、前面三个选项中至少有一个是错的
4. [单选题]汽轮机冷态启动和增加负荷过程中,转子膨胀大于汽缸膨胀,相对膨胀差出现()增加。
A. A、正胀差;
B. B、负胀差;
C. C、不变;
D. D、无法确定。