液压油(hydraulic oil)、弹性联轴器(elastic coupling)、预热器(preheater)、活塞环(piston ring)、使用情况(service condition)、不合适(inconcinnity)、固定式(fixed)、密封圈(seal ring)、工作情况(working condition)、喷油器雾化不良
[单选题]If the atomizer holes are enlarged beyond the makers recommended size, the atomizer must be ().
A. repaired
B. replaced
C. replenished
D. repeated
A. Ⅰ十Ⅱ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
C. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ
A. 柴油机喷油器雾化不良
B. 锅炉受热面大,废气流速低
C. 柴油机目前都使用劣质燃油
D. 船舶装载不足,柴油机长期低负荷运行
A. 废气锅炉窄点是废气与饱和蒸汽之间的最小温度差
B. 废气锅炉窄点是废气离开蒸发器时的温度和饱和蒸汽之间的温度差
C. 锅炉窄点是可以用来表示废气锅炉给水预热器的工作情况(working condition)
D. 窄点是可以用来表示废气锅炉利用率的一个参数
A. 上密封环失效
B. 下密封环失效
C. 液压油黏度不合适
D. 上密封环失效或下密封环失效
A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ
C. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ
D. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ
A. 尼龙
B. 赛龙
C. 环氧树酯
D. 塑料
[单选题]Simplex艉轴密封装置采用的密封圈(seal ring)是()。
A. 金属环
B. 活塞环
C. 橡胶环
D. “O”形圈
[单选题]Diesel engines are started by supplying () into the cylinders in the appropriate sequence for the required direction.
A. cooling water
B. compressing air
C. compressed air
D. cylinder oil
[单选题]Which of the following problems can cause fluctuating pressures in the closed cooling system of a main propulsion diesel engine?()
A. Defective temperature controls in the system
B. Cavitation in the cooling water pump
C. Opened vent in the cooling system
D. Restricted water passages in the engine