螺旋桨(propeller)、质量检验(quality inspection)、极限值、活塞环(piston ring)、说明书(specification)、静平衡(static balance)、活塞式(piston)、增压器转子(blower rotor)、液压工具(hydraulic tidal stream tool)、要注意(should be noticed)
[单选题]A variable pitch propeller is made () a boss with separate blades mounted into it.
A. of
B. up of
C. from
D. out
A. 该处总间隙的20%
B. 该处总间隙的25%
C. 说明书规定极限值的20%
D. 说明书规定极限值的25%
[单选题]用液压工具(hydraulic tidal stream tool)拆主机主轴承液压撑杆螺栓和缸头螺栓时,要注意(should be noticed)()。
A. 前者是将螺栓拉长,而后者是将螺栓压缩
B. 前者是将螺栓压缩,而后者是将螺栓拉长
C. 两者都是将螺栓压缩
D. 两者都是将螺栓拉长
[单选题]增压器转子(blower rotor)拆卸前后不需检测()。
A. 轴承间隙
B. 压气机叶轮的前间隙
C. 压气机叶轮的后间隙
D. 转子轴向串动量
A. 正火/质量检验
B. 质量检验/退火
C. 探伤/静平衡
D. 探伤/测螺距
[单选题]The cooling water temperature () over a period of 8 hours, and then shut down.
A. should be gradually increased
B. should be gradually reduced
C. should be constantly kept
D. should be varied up and dow
[单选题]The fuel injection system is very important, so any trouble of it will () the operation of the main engine.
A. be affected
B. affect
C. be effected
D. effect
[单选题]To minimize corrosion, fuel oil strainer disks, spacers and scraper blades are made of ().
A. brass
B. copper
C. iron
D. monel metal or stainless steel
[单选题]An automated diesel engine should normally shut down due to ()
A. low lube oil temperature
B. high ambient air temperature
C. low tube oil pressure
D. high exhaust system back pressure