螺旋桨(propeller)、平均值(average)、涡轮增压器(turbocharger)、精密机械(precision machine)、不一定(not always)
A. 用液压拉伸器检验
B. 用气动扳手检验
C. 用小锤敲击螺栓检验
D. 用观察螺栓伸长量是否一致检验
A. 400/300
B. 300/200
C. 255/188
D. 200/165
A. A.<0
B. B.>0
C. C.=0
D. D.不一定(not always)
A. 结构复杂
B. 高速运转
C. 温度高
D. 配合间隙小
A. 各桨叶
B. 各桨叶截面
C. 各桨叶平均
D. 各桨叶实测
[单选题]In a commonly used fuel oil system, the oil is stored in tanks in the double bottom from which it is pumped to () and heated.
A. a service tank
B. a settling tank
C. an expansion tank
D. a double bottom tank
[单选题]On opposite ends of a single shaft of a turboblower are a gas driven ()and a air compressor, which are sealed each other.
A. charge air receiver
B. scavenging air belt
C. turbine
D. air cooler
[单选题]The fresh air coming in through the inner air ports, is compressed by() to a higher pressure.
A. the cylinder head
B. the cross-head
C. the moving piston
D. the stationary pisto