螺旋桨(propeller)、耐高温(high temperature resistance)、导热性(thermal conductivity)、高性能(high performance)、热固性树脂(thermosetting resin)、静平衡试验(static balance test)、耐磨性好(good wear resistance)、增压器转子(blower rotor)
[单选题]静平衡试验(static balance test)后,较轻桨叶上的挂重大于允许值,则应铲去()附近金属。
A. 较重桨叶叶背边缘
B. 较重桨叶叶面边缘
C. 较轻桨叶叶背边缘
D. 较轻桨叶叶面边缘
[单选题]拆下来的增压器转子(blower rotor)一般应该(),以防止()。
A. 立放/受力不均
B. 平放/受力不均
C. 平放/变形
D. 立放/变形
A. 冷态校正
B. 热态校正
C. 机械校正
D. 加热-机械校正
[单选题]赛龙是由高性能热固性树脂合成的均质聚合物,具有()等特点。Ⅰ.弹性好;Ⅱ.耐磨性好(good wear resistance);Ⅲ.耐蚀性好;Ⅳ.导热性好;Ⅴ.耐高温。
A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
C. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ
[单选题]The cylinder is fitted with internal liner so that a water space is left () the liner and the outer wall.
A. around
B. among
C. in
D. betwee
[单选题]The oil is drawn from a drain tank through (), one of a pair of pumps, into one of fine filters.
A. a strain tank
B. a head tank
C. a service tank
D. a strainer
[单选题]The piston rings are manufactured with a diameter () the bore of the cylinder.
A. larger than
B. smaller than
C. equal to
D. none of the above
[单选题]There is () in any water cooling system for a diesel engine allowing for expansion and water make-up in the system as well as air vent and chemicals addition.
A. a setting tank
B. a service tank
C. a head tank
D. an expansion joint
[单选题]To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ().
A. reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressure
B. retard the fuel injector timing to reduce power
C. increase the fuel rack setting
D. reduce the load on the engine