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    电子商务(e-commerce)、先进先出(first in first out)、行政机构(administrative structure)

  • [单选题]FCL的中文意思是()。

  • A. 先进先出
    B. 拼箱货
    C. 整箱货
    D. 定量订货方式

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]()are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics activities.
  • A. Supplychainsystem
    B. Informationtechnologies
    C. Logisticstechnologies
    D. Containerizationtechniques

  • [单选题]What is the most important product-related factor the transport cost? ()
  • A. Linkages
    B. Distances
    C. Equipment
    D. Time

  • [单选题]Reverse distribution is the part of ()
  • A. From sellers to buyers
    B. From buyers to sellers
    C. From outside to inside of any company
    D. From wholesalers to retailers

  • [单选题]Pipeline is able to deliver the products based on the advantages of low rate of loss and damage, minimal climatic effects and reduced labor cost. Do you agree? ()
  • A. Yes, I do.
    B. No, I do think so.
    C. I don’t find it here
    D. I can’t find it here

  • [单选题]Cost of pipeline is very different of underground conditions. Is it right? ()
  • A. Not
    B. Yes
    C. They can’t compare
    D. Not discussion in the paragraph

  • [单选题]The bill of lading signed by the shipping company is()
  • A. S-B/L ( sea-B/L )
    B. V-B/L ( Vessel-B/L )
    C. seaway bill
    D. Ocean-B/L

  • [单选题]There is no difference between the environmental logistics and ()one .
  • A. white
    B. red
    C. blue
    D. green

  • [单选题]连续库存补充计划的英文缩写是()。
  • A. CRP
    B. ERP
    C. BPR
    D. MRP

  • [单选题]B2A的中文意思是()。
  • A. 企业对管理
    B. 企业社会
    C. 企业对政府
    D. 企业与行政机构的电子商务

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/63ovz4.html
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