学业成绩(academic achievement)、表现方式(expression form)、自上而下、自下而上(from below)、个别差异(individual differences)、做到因材施教、人格尊严权(right of personal dignity)、年龄阶段(age stage)、发展的不平衡性、连续不断
[单选题]学生所享有的受教育权主要包括受完法定教育年限权、获得学业证书权和( )。
A. 名誉权和荣誉权
B. 公正评价权
C. 参加教育教学权
D. 人格尊严权(right of personal dignity)
[单选题]盲人的触觉、听觉一般非常灵敏,说明了人的身心发展具有( )。
A. 顺序性
B. 不平衡性
C. 互补性
D. 个别差异
[单选题]下位学习属于( )。
A. 顺向迁移
B. 逆向迁移
C. 垂直迁移
D. 横向迁移
[单选题] Even when ______ to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.
A. exposing
B. exposed
C. expose
D. to expose
[单选题] When a student said in class, "I come home at 6 0'clock yesterday", the teacher said "Came not comed". Which rule of effective feedback does the teacher Not obey?
A. Relevance.
B. Accuracy.
C. Guidance.
D. Timeliness.