柏拉图(plato)、黑格尔(hegel)、哲学家(philosopher)、安史之乱(an-shi rebellion)、河南商丘市、沉郁顿挫(profoundness and forcefulness)、古希腊哲学(ancient greek philosophy)、音乐家(musician)、伸张正义(uphold principles and justice)、明辨是非
[单选题]把建筑称为“凝固的音乐”的是__________。 ( )
A. 德国古典哲学家黑格尔
B. 古希腊哲学(ancient greek philosophy)家柏拉图
C. 德国哲学家谢林
D. 德国音乐家(musician)霍普德曼
[单选题]《张中丞传后叙》中所说的“守一城,捍天下”的“城”是指( )
A. 汴州
B. 睢阳
C. 洛阳
D. 长安
A. 慷慨悲凉
B. 沉郁顿挫
C. 明白畅晓
D. 优美雅致
A. B
[单选题]________ the difficulties of exercising, many people prefer to be on a diet to lose weight.
A. Aware of
B. Aware
C. Being aware
D. To be aware
[单选题]The boy showed complete_________of his parents,advice.
A. disregard
B. ignorance
C. neglect
D. avoidance
[单选题]As the teacher has announced,________will be open thmorrow.
A. the school
B. SO school
C. school
D. SO the school
[单选题]Oceania is a________ landmass.
A. separated
B. B separate
C. separating
D. separately
[单选题]What the monitor said at the class meeting ________ quite all right.
A. heard
B. listening
C. sounded
D. pronounced
[单选题]当心脏处于全心舒张期时( )
A. 心室达到最大充盈
B. 房室瓣关闭
C. 心室容积不变
D. 动脉瓣关闭
E. 心室内压略高于心房内压