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    柴油机(diesel engine)、废气涡轮增压器(exhaust driven supercharger)、二冲程低速、气缸中心线

  • [单选题]辅助系统是为船舶平衡、稳性、人员生活和安全服务的管路系统,也称为()。

  • A. 平衡系统
    B. 安全系统
    C. 船舶系统
    D. 压载系统

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]二冲程低速柴油机废气涡轮增压器的排气背压一般不宜超过()MPa。
  • A. 0.002
    B. 0.0025
    C. 0.003
    D. 0.0035

  • [单选题]在进行活塞运动部件校中时,必须测量()。
  • A. 曲轴的臂距差
    B. 滑块与导板的间隙
    C. 连杆大小端轴承的径向间隙
    D. 导板平面与气缸中心线的平行度

  • [单选题]Engine fuel pump index is ().
  • A. the viscosity index
    B. the fuel oil contents
    C. the starting speed
    D. the reading at the rack

  • [单选题]On top of scavenging air box is mounted a strong cast iron frame for each cylinder known as()
  • A. cooling jacket
    B. cylinder liner
    C. piston crown
    D. cylinder cover

  • [单选题]The injector pump is operated by a cam which drives () up and down.
  • A. the needle valve
    B. the plunger
    C. the piston
    D. the cylinder

  • [单选题]The viscosity regulator controls the () of the fuel oil in order to provide the oil at the correct viscosity for combustion.
  • A. temperature
    B. pumping rate
    C. pressure
    D. heat

  • [单选题]When would the available energy of the exhaust gases of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine be insufficient to drive an exhaust gas turbocharger, resulting in the incorrect amount of air for combustion?()
  • A. During operation at low speed
    B. During operation at rated speed, but low power output
    C. During acceleration
    D. All of the above

  • [单选题]A towing vessel’s capability is BEST measured by horsepower,bollard pull,maneuverability and().
  • A. displacement
    B. stability
    C. towrope pull
    D. propeller desig

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