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  • 【名词&注释】

    不锈钢(stainless steel)、排气阀(exhaust valve)、螺旋桨轴(propeller shaft)、双螺旋桨(double propellers)

  • [单选题]带有匙形键槽且根部有适当圆角的双螺旋桨(double propellers)轴或艉轴,其检验间隔期规定为()。

  • A. 2年
    B. 3年
    C. 4年
    D. 5年

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]在约定MCR工况下,废气锅炉推荐的最大压力损失一般为()MPa。
  • A. 0.001
    B. 0.0015
    C. 0.003
    D. 0.0035

  • [单选题]排气阀阀面磨损严重时,采用()修复。
  • A. 研阀
    B. 更换气阀
    C. 堆焊
    D. 堆焊阀座

  • [单选题]油润滑艉轴密封装置的防蚀衬套选用()制造。
  • A. 碳钢或铸铁
    B. 镀铬钢套或不锈钢
    C. 黄铜或不锈钢
    D. 镀铬钢套或铸铁

  • [单选题]Fuel is admitted to a diesel engine cylinder through the ().
  • A. intake valves
    B. carburetor
    C. exhaust ports
    D. injector nozzle

  • [单选题]Scavenging in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine occurs during the ().
  • A. last part of the exhaust stroke, and the first part of the intake stroke
    B. last part of the intake stroke only
    C. early part of the injection stroke only
    D. early part of the power stroke

  • [单选题]When there is a flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler, the ().
  • A. air supply is shut off
    B. fuel supply is shut off
    C. water supply is shut off
    D. safety valve lift

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/5rxdop.html
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