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    润滑油(lubricating oil)、柴油机(diesel engine)、水压试验(hydrostatic test)

  • [单选题]油润滑艉轴承尾端密封装置的作用是()。

  • A. 防止海水进入机舱
    B. 防止海水进入艉轴承
    C. 防止润滑油进入大海
    D. 防止海水进入艉轴承和防止滑油漏泄

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  • [单选题]吊缸检修完毕,对柴油机应进行()后方可投入正常使用。
  • A. 磨合试验
    B. 正倒车试验
    C. 水压试验
    D. 负荷试验

  • [单选题]() the cylinder will contain a great weight of air and will be capable of burning a great quantity of fuel.
  • A. At the beginning of the compression stroke
    B. At the beginning of the suction stroke
    C. At the end of the working stroke
    D. At the end of the exhaust stroke

  • [单选题]Bedplates are the () of the engine, without the support of which the shaft alignment in particular, and engine structure as a whole, would inevitably be lost.
  • A. hull
    B. projection
    C. graphitization
    D. foundatio

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/5rvvjz.html
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