可靠性(reliability)、螺旋桨(propeller)、工作时间(working time)、固有频率(natural frequency)、不允许(not allow)、实质上(in essence)
A. 仅Ⅰ对
B. 仅Ⅱ对
C. Ⅰ,Ⅱ都对
D. Ⅰ,Ⅱ都不对
A. δ=0.05~0.10mm/m,φ=0.10~0.15mm/m
B. 各轴承的负荷在允许值内
C. 各轴承的负荷在允许值内且合理分配,轴段内的应力、弯矩、转角均在允许值内或取合理数值
D. 都不对
[单选题]艉轴铜套过度磨损时不允许(not allow)采用()修复。
A. 光车
B. 打磨
C. 焊补
D. 刷镀
A. 刚惟好
B. 挠度小
C. 对轴系偏差敏感
D. 对轴系偏差不敏感
A. 在螺旋桨工作时发出的“嗡嗡”的响声
B. 导边涡流激振力引起的桨叶振动
C. 实质上(in essence)是共振
D. 随边0.4R以外部位的涡流引起的振动频率与桨叶固有频率接近所致
[单选题]Once a scavenge fire is detected the engine ().
A. will be speeded up
B. should be slowed down
C. must slow down
D. have to be slow dow
[单选题]Impurities in the fuel oil will affect the operation of the engine, which has () the use of separator and some other devices.
A. brought about
B. caused for
C. resulted from
D. led
[单选题]What causes diesel fuel to be ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine?()
A. Spark plug
B. Heat of compression
C. Carburetor
D. Glow ping