
During a recent OSPF election among three routers, RTA was e

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    心肌病(cardiomyopathy)、机械设备(mechanical equipment)、系统管理(system management)、全过程(whole process)、肺气肿(emphysema)、主要任务(major task)、安全玻璃(safety glass)、发育不良、右心室肥厚(right ventricular hypertrophy)、致心律失常(proarrhythmic)

  • [单选题]During a recent OSPF election among three routers, RTA was elected the DR and RTB was elected the BDR, as seen in the graphic. Assume that RTA fails, and that RTB takes the place ofthe DR whi le RTC becomes the new BDR. What will happen when RTA comes back online?()

  • A. A new election will take place establishing an all new DR and BDR based on configured priority levels and MAC addresses.
    B. RTA will take the place of DR immediately upon esta blishing its adjacencies.
    C. RTA will take the place of DR only if RTB fails.
    D. RTA will take the place of DR only if both RTB and RTC fail.

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  • [单选题]右心衰竭可靠的体征为()。
  • A. 右心室肥厚(right ventricular hypertrophy)
    B. 肺气肿
    C. 三尖瓣反流性收缩期杂音
    D. 肝脏肿大
    E. 肝颈回流征阳性

  • [单选题]致心律失常(proarrhythmic)右室发育不良心肌病()
  • A. Delta波
    B. Brugada波
    C. Osborn波
    D. Epsilon波
    E. Lambda波

  • [单选题]管理的主要任务就是决策,管理活动的全过程都是决策过程。这种观点的学派是()
  • A. 决策管理学派
    B. 系统管理学派
    C. 权变管理学派
    D. 管理过程学派
    E. 控制管理学派

  • [单选题]为了检查和控制各工序的煤炭质量与机械设备的工艺效果而采取的煤样称为()。
  • A. A、煤层煤样
    B. B、检查煤样
    C. C、分层煤样
    D. D、可采煤样

  • [单选题]下列选项中,不属于玻璃隔墙工程主控项目的是()
  • A. 玻璃隔墙工程所用材料的品种、规格、性能、图案和颜色应符合设计要求。玻璃板隔墙应使用安全玻璃(safety glass)
    B. 玻璃砖隔墙的砌筑或玻璃板隔墙的安装方法应符合设计要求
    C. 玻璃隔墙接缝应横平竖直,玻璃应无裂痕、缺损和划痕
    D. 玻璃砖隔墙砌筑中埋设的拉结筋必须与基体结构连接牢固,并应位置正确

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