垂直距离(vertical dimension)、外力作用(exogenous process)、具体情况(concrete conditions)、基平面(base plane)、上边缘(coboundary)
[单选题]()refers to the depth of a vessel below the waterline,measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull,propellers or other reference points.
A. Free board
B. Stability height
C. Metacentric height
D. Draft
A. A.上边缘(coboundary)
B. B.中心
C. C.下边缘
D. D.视具体情况而定
A. A.相等;不变
B. B.相等;改变
C. C.不等;改变
D. D.不等;不变
A. A.上边缘(coboundary)
B. B.中心
C. C.下边缘
D. D.视具体情况而定
A. A.顶边缘
B. B.底边缘
C. C.中间
D. D.1/3处
A. A.减少
B. B.增加
C. C.不变
D. D.变化不定
A. A.增加
B. B.不变
C. C.减少
D. D.A、B均是
[单选题]The difference between the starboard and port drafts caused by shifting a weight transversely is().
A. list
B. heel
C. trim
D. flotatio
[单选题]From()the information concerning the tons per inch or centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.
A. Stability curve
B. Deadweight scale
C. Table of Azimuth
D. Freeboard assignment