

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-06-02     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]After completing a commercial transaction, () will execute the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer in the most-effective manner.

A. Logistics
B. Supply chain
C. Virtual warehouse
D. Transportation

2. [单选题]Railroads own about ()of their car fleet.

A. Half
B. 80%
C. 20%
D. Not mentioned

3. [单选题]What is the distribution processing value? ()

A. Distribution
B. Processing
C. Sales and processing
D. Changing the length, thickness and the package of the goods

4. [单选题]()is the general meaning of the contract, bill, note and proof in the process of logistics.

A. Logistics activity
B. Logistics documents
C. Logistics paper
D. Documents

5. [单选题]()is the volume for loading goods of the vehicle.

A. Vehicle tonnage
B. Vehicle size
C. Vehicle capacity
D. Available Vehicle capacity

6. [单选题]()is the management system to control the material consumed, reduce inventory in the manufacture company.

A. DRP (Distribution Resource Planning)
B. LRP (Logistics Resource Planning)
C. MRP (Material Requirements Planning)
D. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

7. [单选题]()is software about the relation between the customer and the supplier in marketing.

A. Customer Relationship Management
B. Customer service
C. Sales planning
D. Distribution channel

8. [单选题]()What is PDM?

A. Production distribution management
B. Physical distribution management
C. Processing distribution management
D. Pallets distribution management

9. [单选题]()is the most flexible mode of all the transport modes.

A. Aircraft
B. Ship
C. Train
D. Motor carrier

10. [单选题]()is not a physical wall, but a lot of virtual data to protect the computer network.

A. Data wall
B. Data Channel
C. Data base
D. firewall

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