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    增压器(turbocharger)、二冲程柴油机(two-stroke diesel engine)、电动鼓风机(electric blower)、螺旋桨桨叶(propeller blades)、锯齿状(zigzag)、具体办法(concrete methods)

  • [单选题]螺旋桨桨叶A区内的深度<t为/40(t为叶厚,mm)或4mm的缺陷可以采用()其中较大的缺陷。

  • A. 修磨
    B. 焊补
    C. 粘接
    D. 金属扣合工艺

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  • [单选题]消除螺旋桨鸣音的具体办法(concrete methods)是将桨叶随边0.4R~0.8R部分()等抗鸣边缘,从而改变涡流引起的振动频率,也就不会与桨叶固有振动频率产生共振。Ⅰ.加厚;Ⅱ.减薄;Ⅲ.形成锯齿状(zigzag);Ⅳ.质量改变;Ⅴ.钻孔。
  • A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ
    C. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]某螺旋桨半径为2m,将装于其上的螺距规的水平杆旋转36°时量杆的升程为256mm,其局部螺距为()。
  • A. 25.6mm
    B. 2560mm
    C. 17.8mm
    D. 1780mm

  • [单选题]二冲程柴油机停增压器运转时使用电动鼓风机供气,此时柴油机可达到标定功率的()。
  • A. 20%
    B. 25%
    C. 30%
    D. 35%

  • [单选题]The indicated power of an engine can be obtained by taking the ().
  • A. precautions
    B. rpm
    C. indicator cards
    D. B and C

  • [单选题]The primary duty of lube oil is to reduce () between the working parts of an engine.
  • A. power output
    B. friction and wear
    C. indicated pressure
    D. rated horsepower

  • [单选题]When the follower is on the base circle of the cam, the pump plunger is at the () of its stroke.
  • A. top
    B. middle
    C. bottom
    D. any of the above

  • [单选题]When we say that two objects have relative motion, we mean ().
  • A. the distance between them remains the same
    B. the distance between them is changing
    C. the position between them is not changing
    D. their positions to the earth remain the same

  • [单选题]Fuel is admitted to a diesel engine cylinder through the ().
  • A. intake valves
    B. carburetor
    C. exhaust ports
    D. injector nozzle

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/5879e5.html
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