
At 2200 you take the following loran readings: 9960-W-15064.

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    热敏电阻(thermistor)、执行命令(executive command)

  • [单选题]At 2200 you take the following loran readings: 9960-W-15064.5; 9960-Y-43954.8. Which statement is TRUE? ()

  • A. The current is flooding
    B. You are being set to the left of the track
    C. The set is towards the southwest
    D. The drift is 0.6 knot.

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [多选题]热敏电阻的种类包括()。
  • A. PTC
    B. NTC
    C. CTC
    D. ZTC
    E. ETC

  • [单选题]假定已经执行了命令M=[28+2],再执行命令?M屏幕将显示()。
  • A. 30
    B. 28+2
    C. [28+2]
    D. 30.00

  • [单选题]程租船合同中,装卸费用划分为FO,表示()。
  • A. 船方管装卸
    B. 船方管装不管卸
    C. 船方管卸不管装
    D. 船方不管装卸

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/574gd4.html
  • 推荐阅读

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