巴戟天(morinda officinalis how)、软坚散结(soften hard lumps and dispel nodes)、清热解毒(heat-clearing and detoxifying)、肾阴虚证(kidney yin deficiency syndrome)、祛风除湿(dispelling wind and eliminating dampnes
...)、食欲不振(loss of appetite)、补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney)、强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)、补肾阳(kidney-replenishing)
A. 补肾阳(kidney-replenishing),祛风除湿
B. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),调冲任
C. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),益精血
D. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),托疮毒
E. 收敛固涩、益气生津
A. A.白术B.人参C.山药D.紫苏E.党参
A. A.肺阴虚证B.肾阴虚证C.热病伤津之食欲不振D.肠燥便秘E.心烦失眠
A. A.缓急止痛B.安胎止汗C.清火生津D.安神益智E.养血生津
A. A.烊化B.后下C.先煎D.包煎E.另煎
A. 软坚散结
B. 凉血止血
C. 镇惊安神
D. 润燥生津
E. 补气生津
A. 祛风湿,补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),安胎
B. 祛风湿,强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),利水消肿
C. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),安胎
D. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),行血脉,续筋骨,安胎止漏
E. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),祛风湿