
() supplies pilot air to control the cylinder air start va

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  • 【名词&注释】

    离心力(centrifugal force)、力偶矩(moment of couple)、转子动平衡(rotor balancing)、动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)、增压器转子(blower rotor)

  • [单选题]() supplies pilot air to control the cylinder air start valves.

  • A. An air compressor
    B. An indicator cock
    C. An air distributor
    D. A safety valve

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]从液压拉伸器的结构上看,当活塞的升程超过了其“最大升程”时,会出现()现象。
  • A. 活塞顶部泄放旋塞漏油
    B. 活塞上部与油缸的密封处漏油
    C. 活塞下部与油缸的密封处漏油
    D. 活塞底部的泄油孔漏油

  • [单选题]增压器转子(blower rotor)动平衡试验合格之后()。
  • A. 两平面内的离心力的向量和近似为零
    B. 离心力引起的力偶矩的向量和近似为零
    C. 偏心矩近似为零
    D. 以上均是

  • [单选题]The compressed air is admitted to each cylinder through a cam operated by starting air valve when the piston has just passed its ().
  • A. BDC
    B. TDC
    C. BBDC
    D. ATDC

  • [单选题]The operating diesel generators will have their exhaust temperatures, cooling water and lubricating oil temperatures and pressures () in much the same way as for the main engine.
  • A. to be kept
    B. logged
    C. changed
    D. has remained

  • [单选题]The term “proper metering”, as applied to a diesel fuel injection system, can be best defined as ().
  • A. delivering the same quantity of fuel to each cylinder for each power stroke according to engine load
    B. maintaining the metering adjustment for a reasonable period under all load conditions
    C. timing fuel injection to obtain maximum power and good fuel economy
    D. distributing the fuel to all parts of the combustion chamber for proper combustio

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