1. [单选题]船舶纵倾前后,重力和浮力(),浮心位置()。
A. A.大小相等;不变
B. B.大小不等;不变
C. C.大小相等;改变
D. D.大小不等;改变
2. [单选题]船舶由淡水水域驶入半淡水水域时,船舶所受浮力()。
A. 减少
B. 增加
C. 不变
D. 变化不定
3. [单选题]船舶由海水水域驶入淡水水域时,船舶所受浮力()。
A. A.减少
B. B.增加
C. C.不变
D. D.变化不定
4. [单选题]()refers to the depth of a vessel below the waterline,measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull,propellers or other reference points.
A. Free board
B. Stability height
C. Metacentric height
D. Draft
5. [单选题]What should you apply to a fathometer reading to determine the depth of water?()
A. Subtract the draft of the vessel
B. Add the draft of the vessel
C. Subtract the sea water correction
D. Add the sea water correctio