单核细胞(monocyte)、渗透压(osmotic pressure)、尿常规(urine routine)、血常规(blood routine)、慢性肾盂肾炎(chronic pyelonephritis)、基底膜(basement membrane)、间歇性(intermittent)、慢性化脓性(chronic suppurative)、肾小管萎缩(renal tubule atrophy)、系膜毛细血管性肾小球肾炎(mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis)
[单选题]Which statement is true when using a Cisco Wireless Mesh Networking Solution?()
A. The backhaul link is dynamic 1 to 54Mb/s.
B. The backhaul link is typically a fixed value.
C. The backhaul link uses DAS antennas.
D. The backhaul link uses antenna multiplexing.
E. The backhaul link does not rely on fade margin.