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    耐磨性(wear resistance)、水冷却系统(water cooling system)、绝缘性(insulating)、压缩空气系统(compressed air system)、填料函(stuffing box)、活塞杆填料

  • [单选题]在水平平面内,当曲柄的两个主轴承位置偏左,曲轴轴线呈左弧线弯曲(即呈“(”形)时,该曲柄的臂距差Δ-为()值。

  • A. 正
    B. 负
    C. 零
    D. 正或零

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  • [单选题]动力系统包括下列管路系统()。
  • A. 燃油、滑油系统
    B. 海、淡水冷却系统
    C. 蒸汽、压缩空气系统
    D. A+B+C

  • [单选题]活塞杆填料函(stuffing box)安装在气缸底板中心孔中,具有()的作用。Ⅰ.密封扫气空气;Ⅱ.密封燃气;Ⅲ.除油污;Ⅳ.除积炭;Ⅴ.分隔。
  • A. A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅴ
    B. B.Ⅰ+Ⅴ
    C. C.Ⅱ+Ⅴ
    D. D.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]相邻轴轴心线相交,但相邻轴两法兰中心未对准,其连接法兰处偏中值为()。
  • A. δ=0、φ=0
    B. δ=0、φ≠0
    C. δ≠0、φ=0
    D. δ≠0、φ≠0

  • [单选题]桦木层压胶木是铁梨木的代用材料,具有材质致密、坚硬、耐热、绝缘性好、成材率高,缺点是()。Ⅰ.耐磨性差;Ⅱ.耐蚀性差;Ⅲ.耐水浸性差;Ⅳ.刚性差;Ⅴ.脆性大。
  • A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅴ
    C. Ⅱ+Ⅴ
    D. Ⅱ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]对短轴系轴线校中理解错误的是()。
  • A. 刚惟好
    B. 挠度小
    C. 对轴系偏差敏感
    D. 对轴系偏差不敏感

  • [单选题]In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the piston ring belt, the "piston ring belt" means ().
  • A. piston crown
    B. piston ring groove
    C. piston skirt
    D. piston ring area

  • [单选题]The hot expanding gas rotates the blades of the exhaust turbine, thus () a large of its power, () drives the compressor.
  • A. to give off;which
    B. giving off;which
    C. to give off;that
    D. giving off;that

  • [单选题]Which term describes piston pins having bearing surfaces in both the piston bosses and connecting rod eye?()
  • A. Stationary
    B. Full floating
    C. Semi-floating
    D. Free rolling

  • [单选题]Electrically operated safety devices on auxiliary diesel engines function to stop the engine by ().
  • A. increasing the volume of intake air
    B. shutting off the fuel supply
    C. increasing the engine back pressure
    D. over-speeding the engine

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/4n8e9p.html
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