润滑油(lubricating oil)、液压油(hydraulic oil)、说明书(specification)、船舶动力装置(marine power plant)、中心线(center line)、仔细观察(careful observation)、静平衡试验(static balance test)、具体情况(concrete conditions)、不一定(not always)、总重量(total weight)
A. 越大
B. 越小
C. 固定不变
D. 不一定(not always)
A. 主机的单位重量gm是指主机单位有效功率的重量
B. 主机的单位重量gz是指主机单位有效功率的动力装置重量
C. 动力装置的总重量(total weight)Gz是指动力装置各组成设各重量之和
D. 装置的相对重量αz是指动力装置总重量(total weight)与船舶满载排水量之比
A. 起吊活塞组件之前应将缸套的磨台修磨光顺
B. 在拆卸下来的零件配合面上做好记号
C. 活塞组件吊出后应仔细观察燃烧室零件的表面状态
D. 活塞组件吊出后应用木板将气缸孔口盖住
A. 液压油
B. 轻柴油
C. 润滑油
D. 气缸油
A. 柴油机说明书
B. 具体情况(concrete conditions)
C. 有关标准
D. 柴油机说明书和有关标准
[单选题]螺旋桨修理后,除对修理质量进行检验外,还应进行()检验。Ⅰ.叶形修理;Ⅱ.尺寸;Ⅲ.测螺距;Ⅳ.静平衡试验(static balance test);Ⅴ.无损探伤。
A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
C. Ⅲ+Ⅳ
D. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
[单选题]The gas loads on the engine structure are constrained by means of hydraulically preloaded () which connect the bed plate, frame sections and cylinder jackets into a single unit.
A. connecting rods
B. main bearing
C. column
D. tie rod
[单选题]Impurities in the fuel oil will affect the operation of the engine, which has () the use of separator and some other devices.
A. brought about
B. caused for
C. resulted from
D. led
[单选题]White smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine may indicate ().
A. a cracked liner
B. burning lube oil
C. an overloaded engine
D. insufficient combustion air