
In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the d

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    柴油机排气(diesel exhaust)、不允许(not allow)、柴油机负荷(diesel load)

  • [单选题]In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.

  • A. setting tanks
    B. service tanks
    C. tanks
    D. drain tank

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  • [单选题]不允许柴油机排气恶化,防止锅炉烟垢沉积,其措施是()。
  • A. 保持柴油机良好的燃烧和排气,减少排气颗粒排放率
    B. 在柴油机负荷低时,旁通全部废气,防止锅炉烟垢沉积
    C. A十B
    D. 在柴油机负荷高时,废气部分旁通,减少锅炉烟垢沉积

  • [单选题]今测得某船主机曲轴臂距值,求在垂直平面上的臂距差Δ⊥=()。
  • A. L上-L下
    B. (L上-L下)/2
    C. L上+L下
    D. (L上+L下)/2

  • [单选题]航行时,水润滑艉轴承填料密封装置应将压盖螺栓(),停航时将压盖螺栓()。
  • A. 旋松/旋松
    B. 旋松/上紧
    C. 上紧/上紧
    D. 上紧/旋松

  • [单选题]航行中在舵机工作正常的情况下,舵沉重的原因可能是()。
  • A. 舵杆变形
    B. 舵承损坏
    C. 舵系安装不良
    D. 舵杆折断

  • [单选题]() the cylinder will contain a great weight of air and will be capable of burning a great quantity of fuel.
  • A. At the beginning of the compression stroke
    B. At the beginning of the suction stroke
    C. At the end of the working stroke
    D. At the end of the exhaust stroke

  • [单选题]Compressed air is supplied by air compression to ().
  • A. the air receivers
    B. the starting valves
    C. the cylinder covers
    D. the distributor

  • [单选题]When turning the engine with turning gear, you should keep the indicator cocks ().
  • A. attached to the indicators
    B. opened
    C. closed
    D. broke

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