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  • [多选题]材料:一位高中女生接受心理辅导时的自述:进入高三以来,我就觉得自己被笼罩在一种紧张学习、迎接高考的氛围中,时常感到心烦意乱.学习成绩也时好时坏,为此整天惴惴不安。我常常想到高考的问题,感觉也与以前有所不同,心跳的剧烈程度比以前强很多,身体有种不舒服的燥热,思维不太受控制,注意力也难以集中。我怕老师提问,老师一叫我回答问题,不论是能答上来还是答不上来,回答时总是语无伦次而且声音发颤。虽然经常被老师提问,却还是消除不了这种胆怯心理。考试之前,我会非常紧张,几天前就会睡不着觉,连续失眠,考试时经常因太紧张而不能认真审题;并且考试时,感到心跳加速,头脑发胀,昏昏沉沉。结果考试成绩越来越差。老师,你说我能改变这种情况吗?问题:请结合材料,说明中学生考试焦虑的主要表现、产生的原因和调适方法。(18分)

  • A. (1)主要表现:①随着考试临近,心情极度紧张;②考试时不能集中注意,知觉范围变窄,思维刻板,情绪慌乱,无法发挥正常水平;③考试后持久地不能放松下来。(2)中学生考试焦虑产生的原因主要有以下几方面。①学校方面:考试升学带来的持久的、过度的压力,使学生缺乏内在的自尊心和价值感。②家庭方面:家长对子女过高的期望。③学生方面:个人过分地争强好胜,学业上多次失败的体验等,以及容易诱发焦虑反应的人格基础。(3)针对中学生的考试焦虑,教师可以采用下列措施。①引导学生进行肌肉放松训练。教师可以引导学生通过改变肌肉的紧张,减轻肌肉紧张引起的酸痛,以应付情绪上的紧张、不安。②采用系统脱敏方法。首先,建立焦虑层次(从最轻微的考试焦虑到引起最强烈的恐惧依次安排);其次,训练来访者放松肌肉;最后,让来访者在肌肉松弛的情况下,从最低层次开始想象产生焦虑的情境,这样直到来访者能从想象情境转移到现实情境,并能在原引起恐惧的情境中保持放松状态,焦虑情绪不再出现为止。③运用自助性认知矫正程序。指导学生在考试中使用正向的自我对话,如“我能应付这个考试…‘成绩并不重要,学会才是重要的”“无论考试的结果如何,都将不会是最后一次”,对于缓解学生的考试焦虑有较好的效果。

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  • [单选题]练习是操作技能形成的基本途径,下面关于技能的叙述,不正确的是( )。
  • A. 技能水平随练习而提高
    B. 练习过程中存在"高原现象",过了此期,技能水平还会提高
    C. 技能水平随练习会不断提高,不会出现起伏现象
    D. 技能的形成过程中存在个别差异

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成1~5小题。   Passage 2   Taylor Swift,the seven-time Grammy winner,is known for her articulate lyrics,so there was nothing surprising about her writing a long column for The Wall Street Journal about the future of the music industry.Yet there's reason to doubt the optimism of what she had to say.   "This moment in music is so exciting because the creative avenues an artist can explore are limitless," Swift wrote."In this moment in musiC.stepping out of your comfort zone is rewardeD.and sonic evolution is not only accepted ...it is celebrated.The only real risk is being too afraid to take a risk at all."   That's hard to reconcile with Nielsen's mid-year U.S.music report,which showed a 15 percent year-on-year drop in album sales and a 13 percent decline in digital track sales.This could be the 2013 story all over again,in which streaming services cannibalize their growth from digital downloads,whose numbers dropped for the first time ever last year,except that even including streams,album sales are down 3.3 percent so far in 2014.Streaming has grown even more than it did last year,42 percent compared to 32 percent,but has failed to make up for a general loss of interest in music.   Consider this: in 2014 to date,Americans purchased 593.6 million digital tracks and heard 70.3 million video and audio streams for a sum total of 663.9 million.In the comparable period of 2013,the total came to 731.7 million.   Swift,one ofthe few artists able to pull off stadium tours,believes it's all about quality."People are still buying albums,but now they're buying just a few of them," she wrote."They are buying only the ones that hit them like an arrow through the heart."   In 2000,album sales peaked at 785 million.Last year,they were down to 415.3 million.Swift is right,but for many of the artists whose albums pierce hearts like arrows,it's too late.sales of vinyl albums have increased 40.4 percent so far this year,according to Nielsen,and the top-selling one was guitar hero Jack White's Lazaretto.The top 10 also includes records by the aging or deaD.such as the Beatles and Bob Marley & the Wailers.More modern entries are not exactly teen sensations,either: the Black Keys,Beck and the Arctic Monkeys.None of these artists is present on the digital sales charts,including or excluding streams.The top-selling album so far this year,by a huge margin,is the saccharine soundtrack to the Disney animated hit,"Frozen" .   When,like me,you're over 40 and you believe the music industry has been in decline since in 1993 (the year Nirvana released in Utero),it's easy to criticize the music taste of "the kids these days" ,a term even the 23-year old Swift uses.My fellow dinosaurs will understand if they compare 1993's top albums to Nielsen's 2014 list.But these kids don't just like to listen to different music than we do,they no longer find much worth hearing.   The way the music industry works now may have something to do with that.In the old   days,musicians showed their work to industry executives,the way most book authors still do to publishers (although that tradition,too,is eroding).The executives made mistakes and were credited with brilliant finds.Sometimes they followed the public taste,and sometimes they strove to shape it,taking big financial and career risks in the process.These days,according to Swift,it's all about the social networks."A friend of mine,who is an actress,told me that when the casting for her recent movie came down to two actresses,the casting director chose the actress with more Twitter followers," Swift wrote."In the future,artists will get record deals because they have fans-not the other way around."   The social networks are fickle and self-consciously sarcastic (see the recent potato salad phenomenon).They are not about arrow-through-the-heart sincerity.That's why YouTube made Psy a star,but it couldn't have been the medium for Beatle maniA.Justin Timberlake has 32.9 million Twitter followers,but he's no Jack White.   In the music industry's heyday,it produced a lot of schlock.But it got great music out to the masses,too.These days,it expects artists to do their own promotion and for those who less good at that than at making musiC.it may mean not getting heard.For fans it means less good music to stream and downloaD.Well,there's always the warm and fuzzy world of vinyl nostalgiA.I guess.
  • Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "heyday" in the Last PAraGraPH?

  • A. Bad moment.
    B. Golden time.
    C. Rush hour.
    D. Lucky day.

  • [单选题]教学工作基本形式是( )。
  • A. 个别教学
    B. 分组教学
    C. 课堂教学
    D. 现场教学

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 1,完成1~5小题。   Passage 1   In the field of psychology,there has long been a certain haziness surrounding the definition of creativity,an I-know-it-when-I-see-it attitude that has eluded a precise formulation.During our conversation,Mark Beeman,a cognitive neuroscientist at Northwestern University,told me that he used to be reluctant to tell people what his area of study was,for fear of being dismissed or misunderstood.What,for instance,crosses your mind when you think of creativity? Well,we know that someone is creative if he produces new things or has new ideas.And yet,as John Kounios,a psychologist at Drexel University who collaborates frequently with Beeman,points out,that view is wrong,or at least not entirely right."Creativity is the process,not the product," he says.   To illustrate,Beeman offers an example.Imagine someone who has never used or seen a paperclip and is struggling to keep a bunch ofpapers together.Then the person comes up with a new way of bending a stiff wire to hold the papers in place. "That was very creative," Beeman says.On the flip side,if someone works in a new field-Beeman gives the example of nanotechnology-anything that he produces may be considered inherently "creative".But was the act of producing it actually creative? As Beeman put it,"Not all artists are creative.And some accountants are very creative."   Insight,however,has proved less difficult to define and to study.Because it arrives at a specific moment in time,you can isolate it,examine it,and analyze its characteristics."Insight is only one part of creativity," Beeman says."But we can measure it.We have a temporal marker that something just happened in the brain.I'd never say that's all of creativity,but it's a central, identifiable component." When scientists examine insight in the lab.they are looking at what types of attention and thought processes lead to that moment of synthesis: If you are trying to facilitate   a breakthrough,are there methods you can use that help? If you feel stuck on a problem,are there tricks to get you through?   In a recent study,Beeman and Kounios followed people's gazes as they attempted to solve what's called the remote-associates test,in which the subject is given a series of words,like "pine" "crab" and "sauce" and has to think of a single word that can logically be paired with all of them.They wanted to see if the direction of a person's eyes and her rate ofblinking could shed light on her approach and on her likelihood of success.It turned out that if the subject looked directly at a word and focused on it-that is,blinked less frequently,signaling a higher degree of close attention-she was more likely to be thinking in an analytical,convergent fashion,going through possibilities that made sense and systematically discarding those that didn't.If she looked at "pine" say,she might.be thinking of words like "tree" "cone" and "needle" ,then testing each option to see if it fit with the other words.When the subject stopped looking at any specific worD.either by moving her eyes or by blinking,she was more likely to think of broader,more abstract associations.That is a more insight-oriented approach."You need to learn not just to stare but to look outside your focus," Beeman says.(The solution to this remote-associates test: "apple" .)   As it turns out,by simple following someone's eyes and measuring her blinks and fixation times,Beeman's group can predict how someone will likely solve a problem and when she is nearing that solution.That's an important consideration for would-be creative minds: it helps us understand how distinct patterns of attention may contribute to certain kinds ofinsights.
  • In PARAGRAPH FOUR,which of the following shows the purpose of describing the experiment?

  • A. To discern the link between analytical thinking and insights.
    B. To discern connection between close attention and insights.
    C. To discern connection between close attention and imagination.
    D. To test people's capacity for close attention and abstract association.

  • [单选题]表为EXCEL学生成绩统计表,最右边的一列数据为总成绩排名,G2单元格格输入的公式为"=rank(F2,$F$2:$F$10)",则G3单元格对应的公式为( )。
  • A. =RANK(F2,$FS3:$FS10)
    B. =RANK(F3,$F$l:$F$10)
    C. =RANK(F3,$FS2:$FS10)
    D. =RANK(F3,$F$3:$F$10)

  • [单选题]我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生提出"教是为了不教",强调的是教学中应该重视( )。
  • A. 传授知识
    B. 培养能力
    C. 发展个性
    D. 养成品德

  • [多选题]试述班主任如何做好个别教育工作。
  • A. (1)个别教育工作包括各种类型学生的思想品德教育:(2)对优等生的教育主要是提高学生的自我意识和自我教育能力,处理好各方面发展的关系;(3)转变后进生的工作主要包括:分析落后方面及其原因,根据其特点进行耐心引导,多方配合,因势利导:(4)对其他类型的学生教育主要是有针对性地调动其积极因素,消除不良因素,促进全面发展;(5)在个别教育工作中要贯彻德育原则。

  • [单选题]幼儿行为辅导技术主要是采取( )的方法。
  • A. 同步教育
    B. 言行一致
    C. 心理疏导
    D. 行为矫正

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