1. [单选题]党员组织关系介绍信(letter of introduction)的有效期应根据所去单位的路程等实际情况确定,最长一般不应超过();
A. A、1年
B. B、6个月
C. C、3个月
D. D、1个月
2. [单选题]What is the result()?
A. The program runs and prints “ I = 1 , j = 0”
B. The program runs and prints “ I = 1 , j = 4”
C. The program runs and prints “ I = 3 , j = 4”
D. The program runs and prints “ I = 3 , j = 0”
E. An error at line 4 cause compilation to fail.
F. An error at line 7 cause compilation to fail.