

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-10-25     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]从事船舶动力装置的管理人员,必须具有()。

A. 高度的责任心
B. 扎实宽广的理论知识
C. 独立发现和解决问题的能力(problem-solving ability)
D. A+B+C

2. [单选题]MANB&W6L42型船用柴油机气缸套(engine cylinder liner)最大内径增量为2mm,则最大缸径为()。

A. 418mm
B. 422mm
C. 420mm
D. 424mm

3. [单选题]轴系中心线的偏差度应()。

A. 小于允许值
B. 大于允许值
C. 交点在δmax-φmax三角形内
D. 交点在δmax-φmax三角形外

4. [单选题]The space between cylinder liner and jacket is called ().

A. the cooling water
B. the circulating water
C. the cooler
D. the cooling water space

5. [单选题]If you are unable to stop a diesel engine by any other means,you should().

A. discharge a CO2 extinguisher in the air inlet
B. pull off the distributor cap
C. secure the jacket water
D. secure the starting air supply valve

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