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  • [单选题]拆装螺母时,不符合安全操作规程的是()。

  • A. 一手抓住固定物
    B. 另一手力用推
    C. 少用套筒或梅花扳手
    D. 根据需要增加扳手延长套管的长度

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]在船上测量曲轴臂距差时,以曲柄销位置为准记录臂距值时,应自()开始测量。
  • A. 曲柄销位于195°处
    B. 曲柄销位于165°处
    C. 曲柄销位于15°处
    D. 曲柄销位于345°处

  • [单选题]() should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.
  • A. The watch keeping personnel
    B. The chief engineer
    C. The person on a bunker barge
    D. Any of the above

  • [单选题]The total starting air capacity required for reversible main engines is to be sufficient for at least ().
  • A. six consecutive starts
    B. eight consecutive starts
    C. ten consecutive starts
    D. twelve consecutive start

  • [单选题]A viscous damper, as used on a marine diesel, is a sealed precision built device which dampens the torsional vibrations in the ().
  • A. camshaft
    B. flywheel
    C. crankshaft
    D. thrust shaft

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/44rdo0.html
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