
Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()

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    柴油机(diesel engine)、填料函(stuffing box)、活塞杆填料、连续工作时间、规定值

  • [单选题]Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()

  • A. a worn cylinder
    B. broken piston rings
    C. any of A and B
    D. none of the above

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]若产品在规定的条件下,规定的时间为r,从开始工作到发生故障的连续工作时间为T,则产品的可靠度为()。
  • A. R(t)
    B. F(t)
    C. λ(t)
    D. E(t)

  • [单选题]MANB&W型柴油机活塞杆填料函工作环的平面间隙和环端间隙超过规定值的()时,应当换新。
  • A. A.10%
    B. B.30%
    C. C.50%
    D. D.80%

  • [单选题]A distance piece, known as a () may be interposed between the rod and the bearing housing.
  • A. bearing shell
    B. bearing liner
    C. compression plate
    D. lead wire

  • [单选题]Each cylinder liner on the marine medium speed engines ().
  • A. is usually cooled by sea water
    B. can be replaced when worn out
    C. is in direct contact with the water in the bore of the cylinder
    D. can t expand when heated

  • [单选题]With VIT the start of injection may be () as the engine load is reduced within a certain range.
  • A. advanced
    B. retarded
    C. relayed
    D. cut off

  • [单选题]When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting black smoke, you should ().
  • A. increase the fuel oil temperature
    B. decrease the fuel oil temperature
    C. decrease the fuel oil supply pressure
    D. increase the air supply

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/3z055r.html
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