

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-04-19     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]The process of()schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activityscope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendarswith resource availabilities.

A. estimating
B. defining
C. planning
D. sequencing

2. [单选题]()is the budgeted amount for the work actually completed on the schedule activity or WBS component during a giving time period.

A. Plannedvalue
B. Earned value
C. Actualcost
D. Costvariance

3. [单选题]() from one phase are usually reviewed for completeness and accuracy and approved before work starts on the next phase.

A. Process
B. Milestone
C. Work
D. Deliverables

4. [单选题]Configuration management system can be used in defining approval levels for authorizing changes and providing a method to validate approved changes.()is not a project configuration management tool.

A. RationalClearcase
B. QualityFunctionDeployment
C. VisualSourceSafe
D. ConcurrentVersions System

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