死亡率(mortality)、危害性(harmfulness)、人类社会(human society)、组织法(organization law)、渐进式(gradual)、长期性(protracted nature)、严重危害(serious harm)、国计民生、提案人(motions sponsor)、预备会议(preliminary conference)
[单选题]艾滋病是严重危害(serious harm)人类健康与生存的疾病,并且是目前死亡率极高的传染病,它对人类社会的极端危害性表现在:普遍的易感性、威胁的长期性、控制与治疗的困难性、资源的消耗性。向目标人群宣传预防艾滋病知识,是希望改变影响行为的()
A. 倾向因素
B. 促成因素
C. 环境因素
D. 强化因素
E. 综合因素
回答下面的题目:A.that have favorable overtones for the company initiated by the public relations departmentB.not all publicity is initiated by the firmC.usually in the form of press releases or press conferencesD.such as its product quality, the servicing and handling of complaints, and the tenor of the advertisingE. what it means to the company isF. Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence on the public image_____