
For (1) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us s

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    国有企业、缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia)、股份公司(stock company)、有限责任公司(limited liability company)、法律依据、《公司法》(the company law)、法定代表人、法律意见、国有资产所有权、必须有(must have)

  • [单选题]For (1) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us see how that works. The idea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new (2) for every packet sent. Instead,when a connection is established, a route from the(3) machine to the destination machine is chosen as part of the connection setup and stored in tables inside the (4) . That route is used for all traffic flowing over the connection, exactly the same way that the telephone system works.When the connection is released, the virtual circuit is also terminated. With connection-oriented service, each packet carries an (5) telling which virtual circuit it belongs to.

  • A. B

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  • A. 补充铁剂
    B. 病因治疗
    C. 脾切除
    D. 少量输血
    E. 肌内注射维生素B12

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  • A. 公司中的国有资产所有权属于国家
    B. 公司的名称中必须有(must have)"股份有限公司"或"股份公司"字样
    C. 公司成立后可以变更为有限责任公司
    D. 公司的总经理可以是公司的法定代表人

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  • A. 三相直流
    B. 单相直流
    C. 三相交流
    D. 单相交流

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